As mentioned for a possible missing firmware in the previous article I noticed another annoying warning from mkinitcpio always on arch linux. I quote:


-> Running build hook: [consolefont] ==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration



The boring message refers to tty font and key combination [Ctrl+Alt+1/2/3/…] If you are an automatic desktop login user such as Gnome or Kde this article is not necessary for you but I suggest you do the same because sooner or later you might need it. If you are a user with login shell and use a 14 inch laptop, then in this case you should set your font and size to your taste or you may not see basic characters from your shell login.

login in your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+1/2/3/…)

check the default system fonts installed

~$ cd /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts && ls
161.cp.gz                     lat9-10.psf.gz
162.cp.gz                     lat9-12.psf.gz
163.cp.gz                     lat9-14.psf.gz
164.cp.gz                     lat9-16.psf.gz

set your consolefont (view preview)

~$ setfont lat9u-16.psfu.gz  


Note: you can add other fonts. Example: terminus-font. Use AUR or otherwise … it makes no difference. It is a question of “locale” and taste.

check your consolefonts (view all recognized characters)

~$ showconsolefont 

found what you like, it’s time to add your chosen font to the system

~$ vim /etc/vconsole.conf
FONT=lat9u-16 # psfu.gz is the extension and should not be inserted in the config

final step: rerun kernel imaging

~$ sudo mkinitcpio -P

No other alert.