After the recent compilation of the kernel-rt for my Teclast F7 Plus laptop on arch linux I noticed some annoying alerts from mkinitcpio.


In detail, the alerts are as follows:


==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x


The solution is to simply. Compile and install the firmware.

~$ git clone
~$ cd aic94xx-firmware
~$ makepkg -sri


~$ git clone
~$ cd wd719x-firmware
~$ makepkg -sri

Update kernel image:

~$ sudo mkinitcpio -p linux


option -p calls a default preset to be used for building the kernel image. If you have other needs read the documentation about mkinitcpio.

Alternative for AUR use:

~$ yay aic94xx-firmware wd719x-firmware

the pkgbuild will do the rest by updating the kernel image after installation.